Apple’s free iWork update has an unexpectedly high-tech feature

Apple’s free iWork update has an unexpectedly high-tech feature

Word processors, spreadsheets, and presentation software are not really sexy, but Apple’s newest iWork suite does add unexpected high-tech features to the free productivity package. IWORK is actually used on cellular devices such as iPhone and iPad more than those on Mac, and the latest improvement makes it easier.

The most impressive feature is the most impressive system in the new image-in-keynote image. There are reasonable opportunities that you have sat through online presentations for the last 18 months or more, and it might have included direct speakers or a progress. While dropping a video clip to a simple presentation, instills direct video feeds usually demanding some complicated composite.

This new keynote version, however, makes adding a video directly as simple as entering a photo or graph. Like that, you can move it, change the size, change the aspect ratio, and go the full screen. There is support for adding text and bullets above, or around, it, along with frames, reflections, shadows, and colors.

It can use webcams built into your Mac, or any USB webcam. In fact, you can have multiple connected at once, switch between them for a different display. If you want to share an iPhone or iPad screen, meanwhile, a single USB connection can share the appearance embedded into your slide.

Another big addition in Keynote is co-presenter support. Instead of one person responsible for moving forward and backwards through slides, the main host can choose collaborators, each of which can have control over the presentation in turn.

As for the page, it turns out it is most often used on iPhone, not iPad or Mac. Therefore it can lead to text in a document that is too small – or layout that requires a lot of friction and nappy zoom – now there is a new screen display option for the iPhone version of the application.

Just as the reader looks at Safari, it reformats documents in a way optimized for smartphone screens. Larger fonts, vertical layout, and images are changed accordingly. The original document maintains its layout, but you can also edit in the screen display. Apple uses an algorithm to try to accommodate extra texts that you might add, without messing up the original layout, even though people might want to check it still look good after they have finished editing.

Finally, the new version of the number gets additional has been asked for years now: Table Pivot. Again, maybe not the most interesting feature, but Apple seems to be the first to offer it in the iPad / iPhone application. You can easily adjust the categories and columns, add filters, and use the pivot table to produce graphics.

While iWork might not be so thrilling like, say, the final feature of the new Cut Pro, the fact is far more widely used. All new iPhone, iPad and Mac models get free copies, and new versions are available on the App Store and Mac App Store today.